Personal Loans

Whatever it is you’re financing, make sure you’re getting a good deal by starting with Destinations. We offer both signature and savings-secured loans to accommodate a wide range of personal needs.

Please note that in accordance with 12 CFR 1002.5(d)(2). Income derived from alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payment need not be revealed if the applicant does not want the creditor to consider the information in determining the applicant’s creditworthiness.

Signature Personal Loan

(Not secured by other collateral. Credit criteria does apply)

  • Competitively low rates for a wide range of personal needs
    • Home/auto repairs
    • Family vacation
    • And much more!
  • Borrow up to $20,000*
  • Accommodating repayment terms, customized to your unique situation:
  • Optional debt protection to protect you and your family against loss
  • Quick approvals; 24/7 online application process
  • Set up payroll deduction for easy repayment
  • Local Baltimore-area decision-making and processing
  • Helpful, dedicated service from start to finish

*Approval subject to creditworthiness and allowable unsecured capacity

Share Secured Loan

(Borrow against your established Savings or Share Certificate with Destinations CU*)

  • Competitively low rates for a wide range of personal needs
    • Rates lower than typical loans due to collateral backing
    • Check out the current rate here
  • Savings remain intact and incurring dividends, thus reducing the actual cost of your loan
  • Optional debt protection to protect you and your family against loss
  • Quick approvals; 24/7 online application process
  • Set up payroll deduction for easy repayment
  • Local Baltimore-area decision-making and processing
  • Helpful, dedicated service from start to finish

*Approval subject to collateral amount

Please note that in accordance with 12 CFR 1002.5(d)(2). Income derived from alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payment need not be revealed if the applicant does not want the creditor to consider the information in determining the applicant’s creditworthiness.