
Signature Loans

Loan TermRate as Low asPayment Example ($20,000 Loan Amount)
Up to 60 Months10.69%60 Payments of $431.76
61 to 84 Months11.69%84 Payments of $349.75

Auto & Motorcycle

Loan TermRate as Low asPayment Example
Up to 60 Months5.49%60 Payments of $381.93 ($20,000 Loan Amount)
61 to 72 Months5.99%72 Payments of $331.36 ($20,000 Loan Amount)
73 to 84 Months6.79%84 Payments of $449.71 ($30,000 Loan Amount) 4

Boat Loans

Loan TermRate as Low asPayment Example ($20,000 Loan Amount)
Up to 60 Months6.85%60 Payments of $394.61
61 to 72 Months7.85%72 Payments of $349.20

Recreational Vehicle Loans (RVs)

Loan TermRate As Low AsPayment Example
Up to 60 Months6.84%60 Payments of $394.52 ($20,000 Loan Amount)
61 to 72 Months7.59%72 Payments of $346.67 ($20,000 Loan Amount)
73 to 84 Months58.34%84 Payments of $315.12 ($20,000 Loan Amount)
85 to 120 Months68.47%120 Payments of $928.69 ($75,000 Loan Amount)

Secured Loans

Loan TermRate as Low as
Share SecuredShare Rate + 4%
Share CertificateCertificate Rate + 3%

Credit Cards

Loan TermRate as Low asAfter Introductory Period
Rate as Low as
DCU MasterCard9.50%9.50%
DCU MasterCard Secured7.50%7.50%

Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC)

Loan TermRate as Low asPayment Example ($20,000 Loan Amount)
180 Months7.50%3180 Payments of $139.84

Home Loans

TermAPRPayment Example ($150,000 Loan Amount)
15-Year Fixed5.250%$1,205.82
30-Year Fixed6.000%$899.33

Savings accounts

AccountDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)
Primary savings (With balance of $50 & Over).0.10%0.10%
Holiday Club0.10%0.10%
Vacation Club0.10%0.10%
Secondary Savings0.10%0.10%
PREFERRED Saver (Available only with PREFERRED Rewards Checking):
Balance up to $10,0000.25%0.25%
Balances over $10,0000.10%0.10% – 0.15%
High Yield (formerly Money Market):
$2,500 – $9,999.990.150%0.150%
$10,000 – $24,999.990.200%0.200%
$25,000.00 +0.200%0.200%

Checking accounts

Account Dividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)
PREFERRED Rewards Checking (Qualifications must be met):
Up to $10,000 (If Qualifications are Met)13.930%4.00%
Over $10,000 (If Qualifications are Met)10.25%0.25% – 2.50%
If Qualifications are NOT Met0.05%0.05%
No Frills Checking – Any balance0.00%0.00%

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) ($25 & Over)

AccountDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)
IRA Shares0.15%0.15%

Share & IRA Certificates2

TermDividend RateAnnual Percentage Yield (APY)Minimum
6 Months2.960%3.000%$500
12 Months (1 Year)3.200%3.250%$500
24 Months (2 Years)2.810%2.850%$500
36 Months (3 Years)2.720%2.750%$500
60 Months (5 Years)2.960%3.000%$500

Rates accurate as of March 25, 2025. Contact us for more information.

Rates are subject to change without notice after accounts are opened. Fees may reduce earnings.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield 

APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Stated APR is the lowest rate available for qualified members. Finance rates are determined by your credit score. Down payment may be required. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. Rates and terms subject to change at any time without notice.

High Yield dividend rates change monthly based on market conditions. For full details, see the High Yield Disclosure.

1Rates subject to change. Fees can reduce the earnings on the accounts. All of the following PREFERRED Rewards Checking qualifications must be met monthly in order to qualify for any of the benefits:

  1. Log in to eBanking or the DCU Mobile App
  2. Enroll in and maintain eStatements
  3. Receive Direct Deposit totaling $500 or more each month
  4. Conduct a minimum of 15 Debit Card transactions with an aggregate total of $50 or more each month

PREFERRED Rewards Checking account holders also have the option of transferring earned dividends from your PREFERRED Rewards Checking into their PREFERRED Savings each month.

Members have the opportunity to “Step Up” to a higher rate (should rates increase) one time during the certificate term. Minimum to open any Certificate is $500. There is a substantial penalty for early withdrawal. The penalty is an amount equal to 90 days worth of interest on the amount withdrawn whether it is earned or not. (This may reduce the principal of your Share Certificate.) If the certificate falls below the minimum required, the account will be closed and the penalty will apply to the full amount.

HELOC Interest rates as low as Prime. Interest rates may be higher depending on credit history up to a maximum of Prime plus 1.25%. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is subject to change on the first day of a month following any change in the Index available to us as of 15 before the date of any annual percentage rate adjustment. The annual percentage rate will be determined by Prime Rate as listed in the “Money Rates” section of The Wall Street Journal. Property insurance is required on any property securing the HELOC.

10% down payment required.

10% down payment required.

Minimum RV loan amount is $75,000. 10% down payment required.

Fee Schedule (Fees may reduce the overall earnings on the account)
Truth in Savings
Funds Availability Policy
MasterCard Credit Card Rates & Fee